
NES allows to register the muscle and the subdivision of the muscle where the electrodes will be placed. This information will assist in the description of the experiment configuration.

View the list of muscles

This page shows a example of the list of muscles available to select. By clicking a item of the list you can edit this item.


Add a muscle

To add a new muscle, you have to insert the name of the muscle and save it. After saving a new muscle, you can insert the subdivision of the muscle and its side. The picture below shows a example of this screen.


Add a subdivision of the muscle

To add a subdivision of the muscle, you must insert the following information:

  • Name: the name of the subdivision of the muscle; (obligatory)

  • Anatomy origin: The description of the origin of the subdivision of the muscle registered; and

  • Anatomy insertion: the localization of the insertion of the subdivision of the muscle; and

  • Anatomy function: the function of the subdivision of the muscle.

The picture below shows a example of the screen for add a subdivision of the muscle.


If necessary you can register the side of the muscle. The picture below shows a example of a view of the muscle, the subdivision and the muscle side.


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